Meet the Team: 10 Things About… Will Ingle

Will has joined the team this month as a Stepney Intern. He's in the discernment process to see whether God might be calling him to ordained ministry, and is spending a year with us to help in that process. We're really excited to see what gifts and skills he'll bring to our team! We caught up with him to get to know a little about him...
1. What's your favourite food?
Chocolate 100%
2. What's your dream holiday?
The Dream holiday would be probably skiing in Canada or going to a beach in the Caribbean.
3. Tell us about your favourite book
Currently, it is Christianity Rediscovered by Vincent Donovan and the -Ruthless elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer.
4. What difference has Jesus made in your life?
All the difference. Having a relationship with Jesus has helped me love others and myself.
5. Marmite: love it or hate it?
Hate it!
6. Tell us something you think is unusual, funny or surprising about you - maybe a story or a weird habit.
I was born with a rare blue birthmark ( which has now faded)
7. What makes you thankful?
Jesus, family, friends and food
8. Who or what is precious to you?
Can I say food again?
9. What's your favourite song / band / album / genre of music?
I like a lot of genres of music. At the moment the artist I have been listening to is Little Simz and other artists who have a more of a neo-soul R and B vibe.
10. Tell us your favourite passage of Scripture and why it’s important to you.
My Favourite Passage of Scripture is 1 Corinthians 12:12. Which talks about the Church as the body of Christ. I love the unity in diversity in the Church and it teaches and has been a verse on my heart for the past few years.