Meet the Team: 10 Things About… Louise Cathrow
Louise joined the team at St John's Hoxton in September 2021 as an Ordinand training to serve as a clergy-person in the Church of England. She is studying at St Mellitus College, and expecting to be ordained in June 2022. She will be serving in a variety of different roles at St John's - and we're delighted to welcome her to the team. We asked her a few questions to help us get to know her...

1. What's your favourite food?
I love food from all kinds of different countries but eating together with others is more valuable to me than what I eat! (p.s. I definitely don’t like offal!)
2. What's your dream holiday?
Any holiday that involves beaches, lakes, mountains and forests. I also love history so any place with historical significance also. I recently visited the Norwegian fjords which had all those things. Perhaps my ancestors were Vikings!
3. Tell us about your favourite book(s)
Reading is a great love, and I love classic English literature like Jane Austen and Dickens but also love biographies and autobiographies because people’s real lives are so inspiring. I read “ A Christmas Carol” by Dickens every November. (I love Christmas!)
4. What difference has Jesus made in your life?
I have experienced significant amounts of loss and difficulties in my lifetime so far and can wholeheartedly say that Jesus does bring beauty from ashes (Isaiah 61) and that his love has brought hope, peace and purpose through all the different stages of my life.
5. Marmite: love it or hate it?
Sorry, I have never willing bought Marmite!!!
6. Tell us something you think is unusual, funny or surprising about you - maybe a story or a weird habit.
A most inspiring but also terrifying experience was taking a group of sixth formers to the West bank during the Intifada. As a leader I was fortunate enough to walk through Hezekiah’s Tunnel that we read about in 2 Kings Chapter 20 but I was walking through water up to my waist in total darkness. Amazing history in Israel and the West Bank.
Also – I’m originally from the Welsh valleys!
7. What makes you thankful?
So many things make me thankful, the enduring Love, Presence and Guidance of the Lord, my three amazing children, my friends, the Bible and the freedom to worship, pray and meet together as the family of God without persecution.
8. Who or what is precious to you?
The things that are precious to me are those things that I have already mentioned that I am thankful for. I value opportunities to take time out and spend time with the Lord in prayer and solitude, preferably near the coast or lakes. Precious objects would be photos and momentos of my parents and wider family who are no longer with us.
9. What's your favourite song / band / album / genre of music?
Music is a great love and also the soundtrack of my life. I love all kinds of music, especially rock music (U2 is my fave band) and Motown and soul.
Favourite song – maybe “One” by U2 or New York State of Mind by Billy Joel or Harry Connick Jr Just the way you are (Written by Billy Joel!). I also love worship songs.
10. Tell us your favourite passage of Scripture and why you it’s important to you.
Wow! So many! – I think two jump to mind… The Greatest Commandment (Matthew 22:36-40) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20). As we understand how much God loves us and wants to be with us, we are drawn to love him and love others more and more. And it is within this wonderful reciprocal love relationship that we learn how to be a disciple and make disciples, all the while knowing that Jesus is with us, to the very end of the age! Passion and Purpose!