Meet the Team...10 Things about Caleb Millar (Children's Ministry Assistant)

We're delighted to be welcoming Caleb Millar to join our team as Children's Ministry Assistant. He started in January, and we caught up with him to find out more... (scroll to bottom for a video message from him)
- What's your favourite food?
A good and proper Italian pizza, preferably from Yard Sale on Hackney Road!
- What's your dream holiday?
Safari in Africa! I loved animals when I was younger and still find them amazing
- Tell us about your favourite book(s)
My favourite book is one called ‘The Volunteer’ which is an incredible story about a Polish man who went to Auschwitz to free men and resist the Nazi regime. My favourite Christian book would be one called ‘Gentle and Lowly’ which looks in depth at the very heart of Christ.
- What difference has Jesus made in your life?
Jesus has given me confidence. Often, I have found myself in difficult scenarios which seem to have no plausible answer, yet Christ is a great comforter and provides me with confidence to keep pressing on knowing He is in control.
- Marmite: love it or hate it?
Can’t say I’ve ever liked Marmite
- Tell us something you think is unusual, funny or surprising about you - maybe a story or a weird habit.
I used to play the clarinet until grade 4 but gave it up when I was made to choose between playing football and attending orchestra
- What makes you thankful?
See question 8!
- Who or what is precious to you?
I think I have many people and things that are precious to me which I am thankful for but one I will single out is my grandad. He is always proud no matter what which is a great comfort and encouragement.
- What's your favourite song / band / album / genre of music?
I have quite a broad music taste where I like a lot of different songs from varying genres. I think someone like Jack Johnson would be my favourite artist, his music is very calm and relaxing
- Tell us your favourite passage of Scripture and why you it’s important to you.
My favourite passage would be Ephesians 2:10 which talks about how we are God’s workmanship and that we are created for good works and that we are secure in God which is a great reminder of my identity which is in Christ.