Hackney Emergency Planning Training
Hackney Emergency Planning Training
We’re delighted to be hosting ‘emergency planning’ training days for staff from Hackney Council here at St John’s during March, April and May. They would like some local volunteers to come and assist in their training. Read more below…
Hackney Council has a team of Council staff who in addition to their main job have put themselves forward to assist residents who have been evacuated and attend a dedicated area which is safe for shelter and assistance. This could be for a number of reasons including flooding, fires, gas leaks or unexploded bombs. Whilst in the centre we want to make residents feel as comfortable as possible in what is often a very distressing situation.
To best prepare the staff, the Emergency Planning team have put together a realistic scenario to assist their learning. To make this as successful as possible the Council needs volunteers to play the role of evacuated persons and who better to play this role than you, the local residents.
We require people from 0845-1215 and 1230-1600 at St John the Baptist Church, Hoxton. If you are interested in getting involved and putting our staff through their paces, please let us know. Lunch and snacks will be provided. Please complete a short form if you would be able to help out on one or more of the sessions and please advise of any dietary requirements, mobility problems etc.
The proposed dates are:
Thursday 31st March
Friday 22nd April
Thursday 28th April
What you can expect is a short introduction and to be given a card with details of the character you are playing. In order to test our staff we have a range of characters from those which simply need a place to remain until the incident is over to those who have more complex needs the staff need to assist with.
Please be aware, we have based the dates on the availability of hiring the Church. For the
sessions to run we need volunteers and staff so the dates could change. If you are able to attend more than one date i.e. every Wednesday afternoon, please write this on the form so we can base dates around that.
For any questions and to return forms please contact Jen via the button below: