Covid & Services: February 2022 Update

In the run up to Christmas 2021, we had to make changes to our programme of events and services due to the rapid rise of Covid case in our congregation and community. This resulted in changes to our Sunday worship services during January 2022. How will this change in February? Read more to find out…

  1. SUNDAY SERVICES will revert to the pattern prior to the Omicron outbreak.

    1. The 10.30am Sunday morning service will be an IN-PERSON service, with live-stream options available to those who pre-register. (Read more about that here.)

    2. The 4pm Sunday afternoon service will be IN-PERSON only - it will not be live-streamed.

  2. SIGN-UP: There will be no requirement to ‘sign-up’ or ‘check-in’ for Sunday services, and no attendance limits.

  3. PHYSICAL DISTANCING: There will be no requirement for people to practise physical distancing - though there will be seats available as singles or pairs in the side aisles for those who prefer to maintain physical distancing.

  4. FACE COVERINGS: will remain encouraged but not mandatory.

  5. SJH CAFE will resume after the morning service. Refreshments are served throughout the afternoon service.

  6. SJH KIDS & SJH YOUTH will resume as usual.


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