Meet the Team: 10 Things About... Zoe Mathias - Stepney Intern
Zoe Mathias joins the staff and leadership team at St John's Hoxton this September as part of the Stepney Intern scheme. This programme enables around 8-9 young adults to live and work in Church of England parishes in Islington, Hackney and Tower Hamlets for one year as they discern God's call on their life. Many of them will be considering a call to ordained ministry and church leadership, and the scheme is a great chance for them to experience day-to-day life in church mission and ministry. Zoe was born in the US, but has lived for the past 10 years or so in Oxford with her family. She has just completed a degree in Theology at Oxford University. She's particularly interested in community organising, charismatic worship and political theology. We're delighted to have her with us as part of the team. Here's 10 more things about Zoe...1. What's your favourite food?Hash browns. Hash browns for breakfast, hash browns for lunch, for hash browns for dinner. I love hash browns. 2. What's your dream holiday?I would love to explore Ireland in a campervan. When I was younger my family drove in Ireland in our campervan. One night we parked our campervan on a beach in Ireland. That night we went to sleep to the sounds of the waves having looked at the stars in an otherwise dark sky. I would love to re-experience that moment.3. Tell us about your favourite book(s)I read Captain Corelli’s Mandolin when I was 17. I have never read a better book since—if you know of one let me know!4. What difference has Jesus made in your life? The idea that God is at work in my life encourages me to try my best at the things I do. I’m always amazed by what prayer and hope can achieve.5. Marmite: love it or hate it? I should probably try it and find out! 6. Tell us something you think is unusual, funny or surprising about you - maybe a story or a weird habit.For the past 10 years my surprising story has always been that I broke my leg when I was eight because the wind blew a branch off a tree. 7. What makes you thankful? I’m really thankful that I was given the opportunity to study theology in university. I found that my study has helped me to question why I believe what I believe and what it means to be an authentic Christian. 8. Who or what is precious to you? I love laughter; I really value times to laugh with friends and family. 9. What's your favourite song / band / album / genre of music? I really enjoy listening to Taize music. One of my housemates in university loved Joni Mitchell and her love has rubbed off on me. 10. Tell us your favourite passage of Scripture and why you it’s important to you.I often find myself reading Psalm 46. The psalm speaks of a river ‘whose streams make glad the city of God.’ I like this psalm because it begins and ends by reminding the reader that God is our refuge and strength. Sometimes I can feel overwhelmed and unsure if I am up for the task I find myself in. Psalm 46 reminds me that, despite my shortcomings, God will continue to be my refuge and strength. Psalm 46 keeps me dreaming of a river whose streams make glad the city of God.