Holy Week & Easter 2021
In the Christian calendar, Holy Week describes the week from Palm Sunday until Easter Sunday. During this week, we especially remember the events of the final week of Jesus’ life running up to his crucifixion and resurrection.
It’s a particularly special week for Christians, as we remember Jesus’ atoning sacrifice that has made peace for us with God, secured our forgiveness, and offered us the hope of eternal life int he kingdom of God.
Christians set aside time for focussed prayer and contemplation as we seek to grow to be more faithful disciples of Jesus.
Here are some suggestions of ways you can do this at St John’s Hoxton:
Garden Of Lament

Come to the church gardens to experience the Garden of Lament. Express your pain, grief, sorrow and hopes.
Sunday 28th March to Sunday 11th April - https://www.stjohnshoxton.org.uk/garden-of-lament
There are some wonderful sermons available to listen to online. One that we would particularly recommend is this one by Tim Keller:
Stations of the Cross

We have produced a Good Friday devotional book using the ‘Stations of the Cross’. We have printed and posted a copy to everyone in our church for whom we have an up-to-date address.
If you haven’t received a copy by Friday, you can visit the church on Friday afternoon between 12-3pm to pick up a copy for yourself.
You can also order one online (although you won’t receive it in time for Friday we’re afraid).
Click on this link to order a copy.
Good Friday: 3 Hours At The Cross - 12-3pm
The bible tells us that at the point of Jesus’ death, darkness came upon the land for three hours. We commemorate this by spending three hours contemplating Jesus’ death for us in silent prayer and devotion. You can come to the church building anytime between 12-3pm. You don’t have to spend the whole three hours, but we recommend setting aside time to come and read Scripture and pray.
Please sign up here to let us know you’re coming.
Good Friday: Prayer & Worship
We are now permitted to sing together in our church gardens as part of our worship. From 5.30-7pm on Good Friday we’ll read scripture, sing and pray together in the church gardens. Pizza Massimo will stay open, so come along, get yourself a pizza, and spend some time with your church family worshipping God.
Please sign up here to let us know you’re coming.
Holy Saturday: Service of Lament
Holy Saturday- A day of grief, waiting, uncertainty. Jesus has been killed, but the disciples don't yet know that he will come back to life.
Life hurts, and it has been really hard this last year. We've lost a lot, missed out on even more, and we need to process that grief somewhere.
Lament is the chance to be honest with God (and ourselves) about how we are feeling - with faith that God hears and cares.
This reflective service will have plenty of opportunity to remember and to lament. All are welcome whether regular church members or not. It will include poetry, silence, music, bible verses.
Please sign up here to let us know you’re coming.
Easter Sunday Celebration
We gather at 10.30am on Sunday morning in-person and online to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. Tickets for our in-person service are FULLY BOOKED, but you're welcome to join us online by visiting www.sjh.org.uk/live
We will celebrate the victory of God, share Holy Communion, and move outside to plant and olive tree as a sign of God's peace, hope and deliverance.