COVID Roadmap Summer 2021
- Congregational singing is back!! We're allowed to sing again during Sunday services, but we're encouraging everyone to still wear a face covering for the time being.
- We encourage those attending in-person worship services to wear a face coverings for the time-being, especially while moving around the building or while singing. (However, they are not mandatory, so those who wish to not wear them are still permitted to join in person.)
- We're continuing to encourage physical distancing outside members of our household.
- We continue to share the Peace without physical contact outside your household - using British Sign Language, peace emojis online, or another appropriate sign of peace
- Our staff will continue to work remotely where possible, only working on site where necessary
- SJH Cafe returns after the morning service - with the cafe team serving refreshments from behind the counter.
- SJH staff core working hours will be reviewed - as will our work from home policy. We will facilitate remote working where possible and appropriate.
- We will assess numbers and capacity on an ongoing basis. We will watch turnout at events, and adjust capacity accordingly.
- We will continue to keep attendance records and service registers. You won't need to sign-up for Sunday services, but we will still use 'check in' to assist with contact tracing should it be required.
- Some events will still require sign-ups for capacity management - such as some groups and activities.
- We will distribute Holy Communion by intinction for the foreseeable future