Covid & Services in 2022

In the run up to Christmas 2021, we had to make changes to our programme of events and services due to the rapid rise of Covid case in our congregation and community. How will this change in the New Year? Read more to find out…

  1. Sunday services will resume as scheduled.

    1. The 10.30am Sunday morning service will be a ‘HYBRID’ service - that is to say, it will be streamed openly (without sign-up) online, but will also have ‘in-person’ availability.

    2. The 4pm Sunday afternoon service will be in-person only - it will not be live-streamed.

  2. IN PERSON capacity will be limited in number to 50 - those wishing to attend in-person should sign-up through My ChurchSuite or via the calendar on the church website. (Click the buttons below)

  3. SIGN UP & CHECK IN will be reintroduced for January. If you don’t sign-up in advance, you may find there’s no space in the building for you.

  4. PHYSICAL DISTANCING will be re-introduced in the layout of chairs.

  5. SJH CAFE will be suspended during January to avoid post-service indoor mingling. (Refreshments will be served at the afternoon service - as the numbers are lower and there is more space available.)

  6. SJH KIDS & SJH YOUTH will resume as usual.

All our midweek groups and activities will continue as planned, though with a renewed emphasis on physical distancing, ventilation, number limits and face coverings.

In agreeing this course of action, we’ve taken the following factors into consideration:

  • Omicron seems to past its peak in London

  • There has been low engagements / attendance online

  • Omicron is not usually severe in its symptoms

  • Mitigations have been successful in reducing transmission in church

  • Hybrid allows those who prefer to stay online to do so easily

  • Hybrid allows the elderly / those without online access to attend in person

  • Loneliness / social isolation is damaging to mental / emotional health - especially in January - and hybrid allows some social contact in person.

We will review the situation at the end of January, and let our congregation and community know what measures may change in February.


The Methodist Covenant Prayer


SJH Kids Library