Pastoral Care

 'Pastoral Care is about a relationship in which we seek the wholeness of the other person; it is essentially about loving others.

As such it cannot be restricted to a few 'professionals' but is the calling of all Christians.'

Robert Warren

How Do We Offer Pastoral Care?

Pastoral Care happens at St John's all the time. As followers of Jesus we are all called to look out for each other.

Most pastoral care happens informally through our conversations over coffee after Sunday services, or through our Ministry Teams and our Connect Groups. However, there are times when we all need extra support or a listening ear and this is where our Pastoral Care Team are here to support.

Pastoral Care Team

There are various things that make us vulnerable, and cause us to need some additional care and support. This might include any or all of the following:

  • you have a long-term illness or condition;

  • you’re elderly and isolated;

  • you’re house-bound;

  • you’re experiencing a struggle with your mental health;

  • you’re going through a relationship breakdown;

  • you’re having financial or housing problems;

  • you’re a lone parent

If any of these are affecting you, or something else not listed, then we have a Pastoral Care Team who can agree with you to make regular calls or visits for a period of time to offer a listening ear, supportive friendship and prayer.

You can contact the Pastoral Care Team by calling 020 7739 9302 x222 and leaving a voice message, or you can email via the button below.